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Podcast Booking:
Venue Booking: 
If you would like to be a guest on the progrum, please send and an email with links to tracks, videos, ect. Please know that episodes are released 2-4 weeks after the podcast recording session. If you are seeking a timley release with an album release, or a big show, tour, ect. Try to reach out as soon as possible. Sessions are scheduled up to two months in advance.


Leave your message for Dan.

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Tonight was rad! First _twoplanetsmusic came through, and then I spent the rest of the evening with
So glad this dude is here.jpg _miccapes_music is nice
_thejackalopesaints about to lay down the bluegrass on the progrum! #dancablepresents #portland #mus
_twoplanetsmusic sess. 📷 cred_ _garrett
_glasysmusic about to get it going on #dancablepresents #mountainairstudios #glasys #portland #music
_quiet_type_ getting set up for the progum! #dancablepresents #quiettype #portland #music #podcast
It's about to go down with _brysonthealien and crew! #dancablepresents #mountainairstudios #brysonth
Good times with _altadore today. Thanks for coming by and playing jams with us today
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